[162] This outdated stance was confirmed by Pliny when he wrote that the recipients of the alimenta were supposed to people "the barracks and the tribes" as future soldiers and electors – two roles ill-fitted to the contemporary reality of an empire stretching across the entire Mediterranean and ruled by an autocrat. Agé de 44 ans, il est dans la force de l'âge. [86], Trajan ingratiated himself with the Greek intellectual elite by recalling to Rome many (including Dio) who had been exiled by Domitian,[87] and by returning (in a process begun by Nerva) a great deal of private property that Domitian had confiscated. [16], In 91, Trajan was created ordinary Consul for the year, which was a great honour as he was in his late thirties and therefore just above the minimum legal age (32) for holding the post. Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more. [237], According to some modern historians, Trajan might have busied himself during his stay on the Persian Gulf with ordering raids on the Parthian coasts,[238] as well as probing into extending Roman suzerainty over the mountaineer tribes holding the passes across the Zagros Mountains into the Iranian Plateau eastward, as well as establishing some sort of direct contact between Rome and the Kushan Empire. J.-C. (chute de Romulus Augustule et fin de l'empire romain d'Occident). [299] For Paul Veyne, what is to be retained from Trajan's "stylish" qualities was that he was the last Roman emperor to think of the empire as a purely Italian and Rome-centered hegemony of conquest. [174], In short, the scheme was so limited in scope that it could not have fulfilled a coherent economic or demographic purpose – it was directed, not towards the poor, but to the community (in this case, the Italian cities) as a whole. Cet article présente la liste des empereurs romains depuis Auguste jusqu'à la déposition de Romulus Augustule. À la mort de Néron en 68, Nymphidius Sabinus tente d'usurper le trône à Galba, faisant prévaloir sa prétendue descendance de Caligula. Their military function fulfilled, most of them fell into disrepair or were wrecked on purpose after Trajan's reign: cf. In: In the absence of literary references, however, the positioning of the new legions is conjectural: some scholars think that Legio II Traiana Fortis was originally stationed on the Lower Danube and participated in the Second Dacian War, being only later deployed to the East:cf. [37], By not openly supporting Domitian's preference for equestrian officers,[38] Trajan appeared to conform to the idea (developed by Pliny) that an emperor derived his legitimacy from his adherence to traditional hierarchies and senatorial morals. He appears, together with Domitian, in offering scenes on the propylon of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera. Learn more about Trajan in this article. [151], For the next seven years, Trajan ruled as a civilian emperor, to the same acclaim as before. Giovanni Salmeri, "Dio, Rome, and the Civic Life of Asia Minor" IN Simon Swain, ed.. Hildegard Temporini, Wolfgang Haase, eds.. Paul Veyne, "L'identité grecque devant Rome et l'empereur". L'Empire romain d'Orient, que les historiens nomment aussi « Empire byzantin » à partir du Haut Moyen Âge, disparaît en 1453 lors de la prise de Constantinople par les Ottomans. [124], Following the design of Apollodorus of Damascus, Trajan ordered the building of a massive bridge over the Danube, over which the Roman army was able to cross the river swiftly and in numbers, as well as to send in reinforcements, even in winter when the river was not frozen enough to bear the passage of a party of soldiers. [226], As far as the sources allow a description of this campaign, it seems that one Roman division crossed the Tigris into Adiabene, sweeping south and capturing Adenystrae; a second followed the river south, capturing Babylon; Trajan himself sailed down the Euphrates from Dura-Europos – where a triumphal arch was erected in his honour – through Ozogardana, where he erected a "tribunal" still to be seen at the time of Julian the Apostate's campaigns in the same area. Marcus Ulpius Trajanus the elder served Vespasian in the First Jewish-Roman War, commanding the Legio X Fretensis. [84] A similar situation existed in Claudiopolis, where a public bath was built with the proceeds from the entrance fees paid by "supernumerary" members of the Council, enrolled with Trajan's permission. En décembre, Vespasien fonde la dynastie des Flaviens, et règne encore près de dix ans. … It is usually assumed that the program was intended to bolster citizen numbers in Italy, following the provisions of Augustus' moral legislation (Lex Julia) favoring procreation on moral grounds – something openly acknowledged by Pliny. Free shipping for many products! 32 f. and 73 f.[288], Many emperor's after Trajan would, when they were sworn into office, be wished "Felicior Augusto, Melior Traiano." Volumes are region-specific resources. Pour désigner l'empereur, les Romains utilisaient plutôt les termes de « César », d’« Auguste », car ils considéraient tous les empereurs comme rattachés sinon par le sang, du moins par une sorte de lien d'adoption, à la famille de César (les premiers empereurs étaient effectivement de sa famille). [142], Not all of Dacia was permanently occupied. and Jacques Derrida, calling on an avant-garde ... spirit to the Roman emperor Trajan ’ s enlightened alimenta program, which provided. Dikla Rivlin Katz, Noah Hacham, Geoffrey Herman, Lilach Sagiv, Z. Yavetz, "The Urban Plebs in the Days of the Flavians, Nerva and Trajan". [193], The alternative view is to see the campaign as triggered by the lure of territorial annexation and prestige,[193] the sole motive ascribed by Cassius Dio. He was succeeded by his cousin Hadrian, whom Trajan supposedly adopted on his deathbed. Trajan sought to deal with this by forsaking direct Roman rule in Parthia proper, at least partially. [161] Nevertheless, this reproductive aim was anachronistic, based as it was on a view of the Roman Empire as centered on Rome and Italy, with a purely Italian manpower base, both increasingly no longer the case. Alan Bowman, Peter Garnsey, Averil Cameron, eds., Meléndez, Javier Bermejo, Santiago Robles Esparcia, and Juan M. Campos Carrasco. EUR 7,90. His conquest of Dacia enriched the empire greatly, as the new province possessed many valuable gold mines. Il a intégré les provinciaux dans l'État romain, et a été un grand administrateur en favorisant l'agriculture et le commerce avec les provinces. Les historiens font débuter l'empire romain le 16 janvier de l'an 27 avant JC. Il consiste en une « phrase facile » à retenir dont chaque syllabe est le début du nom d'un empereur : « Césautica, Claunégalo, Vivestido. Trajan died on 9 August A.D. 117, after suffering a stroke, in the Cilician town of Selinus. Aux côtés de Trajan, Hadrien va s'imprégner de la vie à la cour et en tirer profit. L'histoire en a fait des modèles opposés. Sa vie avant d’être empereur Marcus Ulpius Traianus, dit Trajan, est né le 18 septembre, sans doute en l’an 53, à Italica, près de Séville en Espagne. As all four consulars were senators of the highest standing and as such generally regarded as able to take imperial power (capaces imperii), Hadrian seems to have decided on a preemptive strike against these prospective rivals. Politique de conquête Au moment où il parvient au pouvoir, les voisins de Rome ne sont guère menaçants, et les campagnes qu'il entreprend reflètent avant toute chose son penchant pour la … » Ou, si l'on sépare les syllabes : cés / au / ti / ca / clau / né / gal / o / vi / ves / ti / do (César / Auguste / Tibère / Caligula / Claude / Néron / Galba / Othon / Vitellius / Vespasien / Titus / Domitien). IN. [99] Trajan created at least fourteen new senators from the Greek-speaking half of the Empire, an unprecedented recruitment number that opens to question the issue of the "traditionally Roman" character of his reign, as well as the "Hellenism" of his successor Hadrian. Sa construction, ayant duré 15 ans, a démarré sous le règne de l'Empereur Claude et a dû s'achever sous Trajan. Xem qua các ví dụ về bản dịch Trajan trong câu, nghe cách phát âm và học ngữ pháp. Xem qua các ví dụ về bản dịch trajan trong câu, nghe cách phát âm và học ngữ pháp. [195][196] In the absence of conclusive evidence, trade between Rome and India might have been far more balanced, in terms of quantities of precious metals exchanged: one of our sources for the notion of the Roman gold drain – Pliny's the Younger's uncle Pliny the Elder – had earlier described the Gangetic Plains as one of the gold sources for the Roman Empire. Dio, as a Greek notable and intellectual with friends in high places, and possibly an official friend to the emperor (amicus caesaris), saw Trajan as a defender of the status quo. He was deified by the Senate and his ashes were laid to rest under the Trajan's Column. [34], On his entry to Rome, Trajan granted the plebs a direct gift of money. Trajan (M. Ulpius Trajanus Crinitus) est un empereur romain, né le 18 septembre 53, mort le 11 août 117 ap. May you rule fortunate like Augustus and better than Trajan. [2] Trajan rose to prominence during the reign of emperor Domitian. Étant donné les relations incestueuses fréquentes au sein de celle-ci, certains des empereurs sont parfois considérés comme des « fous », comme Caligula[2]. Légat de Germanie supérieure, il est adopté par Nerva et associé à son pouvoir (97), puis lui succède en 98. Decebalus fled, but, when cornered by Roman cavalry, committed suicide. Non-literary sources such as archaeology, epigraphy, and numismatics are also useful for reconstructing his reign. [208] The intended campaign, therefore, was immensely costly from its very beginning. [271], Aware that the Parthian campaign was an enormous setback, and that it revealed that the Roman Empire had no means for an ambitious program of conquests,[118] Hadrian's first act as emperor was to abandon – outwardly out of his own free will[272][273] – the distant and indefensible Mesopotamia and to restore Armenia, as well as Osrhoene, to the Parthian hegemony under Roman suzerainty. Nerva died in 98 and was succeeded by his adopted son without incident. [112] Trajan's troops were mauled in the encounter, and he put off further campaigning for the year in order to regroup and reinforce his army. Empire romain27 av. Syme, R., 1971. Citizens were sent to Rome for trial. [146], Trajan resettled Dacia with Romans and annexed it as a province of the Roman Empire. Aside from their enormous booty (over half a million slaves, according to John Lydus),[147] Trajan's Dacian campaigns benefited the Empire's finances through the acquisition of Dacia's gold mines, managed by an imperial procurator of equestrian rank (procurator aurariarum). En 96, l'empereur Domitien est assassiné et c'est le sénateur Nerva qui devient empereur. Un changement encore plus radical est dû à la politique belliciste de Trajan. Augustus Caesar (27 BCE - 14 CE) was the name of the first and, by most accounts, greatest Roman emperor.Augustus was born Gaius Octavius Thurinus on 23 September 63 BCE. Sur la demande de l'empereur, il adopte en retour Germanicus, le fils de son frère Drusus. [250][258], In contrast, the next prominent Roman figure in charge of the repression of the Jewish revolt, the equestrian Quintus Marcius Turbo, who had dealt with the rebel leader from Cyrene, Loukuas,[259] retained Hadrian's trust, eventually becoming his Praetorian Prefect. Le climat est clément. Uskoro slika Cara postaje znamenje Carstva: svaki Rimljanin prepoznaje carev lik, pošto mu je video portret, bilo statuu bilo lik iskovan na novcu. Mais il ne rentrera à Rome que quelques mois après son avènement. [225] It is noteworthy that no new legions were raised by Trajan before the Parthian campaign, maybe because the sources of new citizen recruits were already over-exploited. Fils adoptif et héritier d'Antonin le Pieux. Trajan did likewise, but since "willingness is a slippery commodity", Finley suspects that, in order to ensure Italian landowners' acceptance of the burden of borrowing from the alimenta fund, some "moral" pressure was exerted. La France a toujours été peuplée depuis que l'homme a colonisé l'Europe. [251] Another rebellion flared up among the Jewish communities of Northern Mesopotamia, probably part of a general reaction against Roman occupation. The Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. Officially declared by the Senate optimus princeps ("best ruler"), Trajan is remembered as a successful soldier-emperor who presided over the second-greatest military expansion in Roman history after Augustus, leading the empire to attain its maximum territorial extent by the time of his death. Le titre d'empereur romain, résultant d'un concept assez moderne, résume la position tenue par les individus détenteurs du pouvoir dans l'Empire romain. Versand : + EUR 6,60 Versand #4289 - RARE - Romaine Follis - Crispus (BEATA TRANQVILLITAS) - FACTURE. His health declined throughout the spring and summer of 117, something publicly acknowledged by the fact that a bronze bust displayed at the time in the public baths of Ancyra showed him clearly aged and emaciated. Italics indicates a junior co-emperor, while underlining indicates a usurper. Le mot latin imperator, duquel dérive « empereur », ne désignait à l'origine qu'une qualité militaire (celle de général en chef) parmi tous les titres et pouvoirs accumulés par Auguste. [284] A third-century emperor, Decius, even received from the Senate the name Trajan as a decoration. Avant lui, Gordien III parvint à maîtriser la situation en versant des tributs annuels mais Phi-lippe Ier refusa en 248 de poursuivre ces paiements. Histoire des Juifs, Troisième période, I – Chapitre III – Soulèvement des Judéens sous Trajan et Adrien, Fritz Heichelheim, Cedric Veo, Allen Ward,(1984) History of the Roman People, p. 382, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, "Trajan was, in fact, quite active in Egypt. Istorijski reljef. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Marcus Ulpius Trajanus tel est le nom du dernier empereur Romain conquérant. [215] This newer, more "rational" frontier, depended, however, on an increased, permanent Roman presence east of the Euphrates. [129] Additionally, Trajan commissioned a canal to be built around the rapids of the Iron Gates. The Dacians and their allies were repulsed after two battles in Moesia, at Nicopolis ad Istrum and Adamclisi. [95] It must be added that, although Trajan was wary of the civic oligarchies in the Greek cities, he also admitted into the Senate a number of prominent Eastern notables already slated for promotion during Domitian's reign by reserving for them one of the twenty posts open each year for minor magistrates (the vigintiviri). The traditional donative to the troops, however, was reduced by half. [80], Eventually, it fell to Pliny, as imperial governor of Bithynia in 110 AD, to deal with the consequences of the financial mess wrought by Dio and his fellow civic officials. Ritterling, E., 1925. Bennett, Trajan, 196; Christol & Nony, Rome,171. This capital city was conceived as a purely civilian administrative center and was provided the usual Romanized administrative apparatus (decurions, aediles, etc.). [270] The fact that during Hadrian's reign he did not pursue Trajan's senatorial policy may account for the "crass hostility" shown him by literary sources. 21 (1931), pp. J.-C., et c'est lui qui met en application les réformes que César avait seulement promulguées, donnant ainsi à l'Empire des traits économiques et sociaux très différents de ceux de la République. Roman authorities liked to play the Greek cities against one another[70] – something of which Dio of Prusa was fully aware: [B]y their public acts [the Roman governors] have branded you as a pack of fools, yes, they treat you just like children, for we often offer children the most trivial things in place of things of greatest worth [...] In place of justice, in place of the freedom of the cities from spoliation or from the seizure of the private possessions of their inhabitants, in place of their refraining from insulting you [...] your governors hand you titles, and call you 'first' either by word of mouth or in writing; that done, they may thenceforth with impunity treat you as being the very last! [193] As in the case of the alimenta, scholars like Moses Finley and Paul Veyne have considered the whole idea of a foreign trade "policy" behind Trajan's war anachronistic: according to them, the sole Roman concern with the Far Eastern luxuries trade – besides collecting toll taxes and customs[194] – was moral and involved frowning upon the "softness" of luxuries, but no economic policy. Il défait Clodius Albinus en 196 au cours de la bataille de Lugdunum. On appelle les Trente Tyrans une série d'usurpateurs qui ont ou auraient vécu au IIIe siècle, pendant les règnes de Valérien, de Gallien, de Claude le Gothique et d'Aurélien entre 253 et 270[H 1]. Montag 09 November 2020 von 14:00 (Paris) Schauen Sie alle Elemente der Auktion. Trajan, ma jeunesse ! [39] Therefore, he could point to the allegedly republican character of his rule. The city of Rome was utterly transformed under Augustus… EUR 22,00. Les années 68 et 69 correspondent à une nouvelle guerre civile romaine, opposant entre eux des citoyens romains. [36] His belated ceremonial entry into Rome in 99 was notably understated, something on which Pliny the Younger elaborated. 1. Trajan, né sous le nom de Marcus Ulpius Traianus le 18 septembre 53 après J-C à Italica ou à Rome et mort le 8 ou 9 août 117 à Selinus, en Cilicie, est empereur romain de fin janvier 98 à août 117. So he said: 'Now be comforted, for I must [117], The peace of 102 had returned Decebalus to the condition of more or less harmless client king; however, he soon began to rearm, to again harbor Roman runaways, and to pressure his Western neighbors, the Iazyges Sarmatians, into allying themselves with him. Carlos F. Noreña, "The Social Economy of Pliny's Correspondence with Trajan". [119][121] By 105, the concentration of Roman troops assembled in the middle and lower Danube amounted to fourteen legions (up from nine in 101) – about half of the entire Roman army. [289], It was only during the Enlightenment that this legacy began to be contested, when Edward Gibbon expressed doubts about the militarized character of Trajan's reign in contrast to the "moderate" practices of his immediate successors. 2 Sesterce VESPASIANVS HADRIANVS.1 PROBVS.1 Dupondus de Nîmes . [12][2], Trajan was the son of Marcia, a Roman noblewoman and sister-in-law of the second Flavian Emperor Titus,[13] and Marcus Ulpius Trajanus, a prominent senator and general from the gens Ulpia. [24], According to the Augustan History, it was the future Emperor Hadrian who brought word to Trajan of his adoption. Trajan Dèce, un empereur face aux barbares À l’évocation du nom de Trajan Dèce, que vous vient-il à l’esprit ? Pierre Lambrechts, "Trajan et le récrutement du Sénat". Remporte la vente aux enchères pour le poste d'empereur organisée par la, Prend le pouvoir avec le soutien des légions de, Proclamé empereur par les légions du Danube à la mort de, Gouverneur d'une province de l'Est, proclamé empereur par les légions du Danube contre, Proclamé empereur par l'armée après la mort de, Adopté en tant que « César » de l'Occident et héritier par, Adopté en tant que « César » de l'Orient et héritier par, Adopté en tant que « César » et héritier par, Usurpateur du trône de l'Occident de 383 au 384, puis coempereur légitime, S'autoproclame empereur avec le soutien de l'armée après la mort de. [25] As a token of his influence, Sura would later become consul for the third time in 107. La liste va de la mort de Commode le 31 décembre 192, immédiatement remplacé par Pertinax, choisi par le Sénat puis assassiné par la garde prétorienne, alors qu'à sa mort Didius Julianus achète son couronnement aux soldats de la garde face à Titus Flavius Sulpicianus. [17] Around this time Trajan brought Apollodorus of Damascus with him to Rome[18] and also married Pompeia Plotina, a noble woman from the Roman settlement at Nîmes; the marriage ultimately remained childless. This event might have prompted the annexation of the Nabataean kingdom, but the manner and the formal reasons for the annexation are unclear. Lendon, "Three Emperors and the Roman Imperial Regime". Le terme moderne d'empereur est donc utilisé pour décrire les dirigeants de l'empire romain, étant donné les liens étroits qu'ils entretenaient avec l'armée (dont dépendait le soutien armé de leur pouvoir) et il ne discrimine pas les styles différents de gouvernances au cours des différentes phases de l'Empire. [62] Nevertheless, as a Greek local magnate with a taste for costly building projects and pretensions of being an important political agent for Rome,[63] Dio of Prusa was actually a target for one of Trajan's authoritarian innovations: the appointing of imperial correctores to audit the civic finances[64] of the technically free Greek cities. In contrast, his successor Hadrian would stress the notion of the empire as ecumenical and of the Emperor as universal benefactor and not kosmocrator. Son forum est le plus grand jamais bâti, de plus de 170 mètre de larges avec une statue équestre de l'empereur en son centre. It includes the principal University library – the Bodleian Library – which has been a legal deposit library for 400 years; as well as 30 libraries across Oxford including major research libraries and faculty, department and institute libraries. Versand: + EUR 12,00 Versand . However, the overall scarcity of manpower for the Roman military establishment meant that the campaign was doomed from the start. J.-C. Il naquit en Bétique, à Italica, près de Séville.Fils d'un soldat de fortune, il fut élevé aux honneurs par Vespasien.Il se montra sous Domitien militaire aussi habile que brave. Trajan, Marc Aurèle (replicaCampidoglio, original musée Capitolin) Augustus Pontifex Maximus, 40bc. The care bestowed by Trajan on the managing of such public spectacles led the orator Fronto to state approvingly that Trajan had paid equal attention to entertainments as well as to serious issues. Alors qu'Arcadius est le premier empereur romain d'Orient après la séparation officielle de l'Empire, Zénon est considéré comme le dernier empereur romain d'Orient et le premier empereur byzantin, étant donné l'effondrement de l'Empire d'Occident en 476. [8] It is certain that much of the text of the letters that appear in this collection over Trajan's signature was written and/or edited by Trajan's Imperial secretary, his ab epistulis.
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