Windhelm jarl er Ulfric Stormcloak, der er bosiddende i Palace of the Kings. Palace of the KingsStone QuarterGray QuarterValunstradCandlehearth HallTemple of TalosEast Empire Company OfficeArgonian AssemblageHall of the DeadWindhelm Outlaws Refuge 10.4k votes, 109 comments. A new leader was needed to rule over Eastern Skyrim and to force the Akaviri Army out of Tamriel. In his hubris, Ysgramor amassed his Five Hundred Companions to purge the Snow Elves of the land for betraying their trust in this new land. The town square is in between each separate part of the city and leads to the outside and the Great Bridge of Windhelm. The area has since been renamed the "Gray Quarter," as all of the Dunmer have congregated in this area. It is because of this, Windhelm serves a trading post and a gateway between the Sea transport and the mainland of Skyrim. Events during the Konunleikar have had various injuries and deaths, resulting in the search. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, Pocket Guide to the Empire, First Edition: Skyrim, The (Improved) Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Skyrim, This page is to provide information about the great Nordic city of Windhelm in Skyrim. During 4E 201, as the Skyrim Civil War rages on, Skyrim becomes a nation divided, and Windhelm becomes the new capital of the Stormcloak Rebellion, the main center of the entire Nord revolution against the Empire. Post-Skyrim Civil War; Summary. [6], As time went on, the Ysgramor Dynasty had ruled out from the city-state of Windhelm. It was once named the “Snow Quarter,” but that was a long time ago. The Atmorans had also created caves and catacombs underneath Windhelm that is said to house the tomb of Ysgramor himself. With the Legion was still fathered in Cyrodiil,[20][21] Ulfric reclaimed the city without Imperial assistance. To become a follower they must be convinced or hired. As you can see in this picture, Windhelm sits in between two large mountain ranges and its architecture has a "fortress" like look to it. Eastmarch is one of the nine Holds of Skyrim. Reasons as to why vary depending on who is spoken to within the city. It is also the first line of defense in Windhelm. After Ulfric's release, he inherited the throne of Windhelm. Assigned by the Jarl to serve the new Thane and protect the house, Calder is the Housecarl of Hjerim. The date of this is left unknown, but the letters detailing the events were recovered in the third era. Hold Jorleif, the Housecarl of Jarl Ulfric was in charge of the search, hiring anyone to uncover the murderer, including an estranged warrior from parts unknown. Skulle dette ske, vil den nye Jarl være Brunwulf Free-Winter. Battle for Whiterun: Take Whiterun in the name of the Stormcloaks. During 4E 201, as the Skyrim Civil War rages on, Skyrim becomes a nation divided, and Windhelm becomes the new capital of the Stormcloak Rebellion, the main center of the entire Nord revolution against the Empire. Dialogue with Ulfric Stormcloak, Windhelm's current Jarl, reveals that he does not attend to the issues occurring in the Grey Quarter due to being too busy with the rebellion. It is the capital of both the Giant's Run and the Eastmarch region of Skyrim. Joining the Empire during the Main Quest will set Windhelm as the location of the last battle of the Civil War. The Palace of the Kings was built with large spires jutting out of the clouds, to show its dominance over the province. The district known as Valunstrad, which translates to the Avenue of Valor, is essentially the nobles district of Windhelm. The residents of Windhelm stormed the Palace of the Kings, it is unknown how the revolution had ended, but Elgryr's time as the Jarl would pass. [19] When the Forsworn of the Reach had captured the city of Markarth under the name of Madanach, Ulfric Stormcloak and his militia of warriors had retaken Markarth. Windhelm is situated on the Yorgrim Estuary, which leads to the Sea of Ghosts. This was, however, put under the rug when the Imperial Legion and Jarl Hrolfdir of Markarth[22] were forced to imprison Ulfric and continue the ban over the worship of Talos, by order of the Thalmor. During and after the siege of Windhelm, three catapults are present in nearby Windhelm Military Camp. It is a replica of a shield from the video game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Ulfric was chosen by the public as the new Jarl of Windhelm after his father, the previous Jarl, died.[12]. Era(s) Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Thane Mera Stormcloak had hosted the Konunleikar, all the while protecting the city from any threat. Město je také centrem povstání Bouřných hávů, kteří bojují za… 사진 of Windhelm Concept Art for 팬 of Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim 28138878 [10], Argonians are also segregated from the Nord population and are forced to live at the Argonian Assemblage at the city docks. And so, the city-state of Windhelm was created, and it lives on, even before its creator. All of them are protected. At Jarl Hoag Stormcloak's funeral, Ulfric was forced to deliver his eulogy via a smuggled letter from prison. It doesn't matter I try fast-traveling, coc, and just hoofing it over there. Constructed You will see that Windhelm itself is under assault already. While his people were freezing to death, the Palace of Ysgramor would be the place of hearth and revelry. [2][3], After the eruption of Red Mountain, many Dunmer fled to Windhelm [4] and settled in an area known as the "Snow Quarter." Eastmarch er et hold i det østlige Skyrim, med hovedstad i Windhelm.Det hold er hjemsted for Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak, leder af Stormcloaks bevægelsen.Det bliver kun Imperial-løb, hvis spilleren tiltræder Imperial Legion og fuldender hele quest linje, herunder både for Slaget om Fort Amol og Slaget om Windhelm. Mera Stormcloak had tasked the Vestige, an Agent of the Ebonheart Pact, to uncover the reappearance of the Stormfists. The Eternal Champion had at one point visited the city of Windhelm in their quest to recover the pieces. Some say that the Nords of Windhelm sequestered the Dunmer from the other citizens in this "Gray Quarter"[6][7][8][9] in reference to the Dunmer skin color. Windhelm city itself is vast and easily coordinated. Instead of a civil war, a moot was created where it ended in favor of Svartr. The Skyrim map in ESO is mess up completely Windhelm is in the wrong spot in ESO and unless they extend the map a bit north and to the right Wintherhold will be in the wrong spot too I don't know how they messed up the map so bad when the last game in the series took place there its sad its like nobody on the design team even looked at a map of Skyrim. City -This mod does NOT alter the Windhelm Bridge outside the city. A Windhelm Crusader, later known as Eastmarch Crusader, as seen in, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. With everything in their grasp, Jorunn amassed a Nordic Army from the city-state of Riften, one that was inspired by Wulfharth's presence and fueled by anger against the Akaviri. There's really not much to say about this part. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: The Palace of the Kings and the nearby mountainside. And I cant find a single merchant other than the used goods place in the grey quarter. Niranye, an Altmer citizen of Windhelm, implies that it is because the Dark Elves refuse to conform that they live in squalor like they do, rather than because of Nordic racism. It is the only hold capital in all of Skyrim without the letter T in its name. 4. The Gray Quarter was so named because of the large number of Dunmer that reside here. This page was last edited on 30 November 2013, at 18:31. East March Imperial Camp; Windhelm; Walkthrough []. I am currently experiencing CTDs whenever I enter Windhelm. As time went on, Given the COVID-19 pandemic, call ahead to verify hours, and remember to practice social distancing Not just in the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game, but in all Elder Scrolls Lore. [12] The guards seldom patrol the Grey Quarter[10] and their reasons vary, depending on the characters spoken to within the city. Windhelm: Fixed the area along the southwest exterior wall so that it no longer extends past the original city wall. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Arctic V současné době vládne ve městě nepřátelská atmosféra mezi Nordy a ostatními rasami. Windhelm je jedním z největších a nejstarších měst Skyrimu. During their voyage back to Skyrim, the Storm of Separation had occurred and in the end, Yngol, the son of Ysgramor had perished at the mighty hands of Kyne. WindhelmOrigin, Windhelm, also known as the City of Kings,[1] is a city located in northeastern Skyrim. Harald's forces had eliminated the last Snow Elves located in the Rift and had relinquished all holdings from Atmora, then making the centralized Kingdom of Skyrim, naming Windhelm as the capital of Skyrim. The seat of power is Windhelm. Realizing that a Civil War was being conceived before him, Jorunn challenged Fildgor to a Traditional Nordic Duel, whoever succeeded, would be crowned the High King of Eastern Skyrim. The Nords finally looked towards their destiny and sought to conquer the whole continent of Tamriel. Location information This mod adds simple aesthetic changes that can be viewed from both inside and outside the confines of the city itself. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. Societal 3. Windhelm is located in the northeast of Skyrim. The Nordic Clans of Eastmarch have a home in the Valunstrad Quarter, and other estates inhabit the area like Hjerim and the House of Clan Shatter-Shield. 2. It had begun with the Sack of Windhelm when the Akaviri army had besieged the southern gate for a brief second. However, the Skald-Prince refused to accept such a man of war onto the throne of Eastern Skyrim. Hello, thanks for taking the time to read my thread. In 4E 201, Ulfric traveled to Solitude and sought an audience with the High King himself. Ulfric demanded that the worship of Talos would be permitted in Markarth as they were promised,[20] despite the laws set forth by the White-Gold Concordat. This page is to provide information about the great Nordic city of Windhelm in Skyrim. [5], Translated from ancient Nordic, Valunstrad means "Avenue of Valor." V současné době vládne ve městě nepřátelská atmosféra mezi Nordy a ostatními rasami. The Companion Yngol would be buried in a tomb along the Yorgrim Estuary. [5] Reasons as to why vary depending on who is spoken to within the city. A subreddit dedicated to the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The Windhelm Docks are located along the Yorgrim River, just before the Sea of Ghosts. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. I am split on this topic. It is suggested through dialogue with Viola Giordano that the Dunmer's taxes can be raised at the Jarl's whim.[17]. NordAtmoran (Ysgramor) After that, the city of Windhelm was razed by the invaders, resulting in the death of both Mabjaarn Flame-Hair and Princess Nurnhilde. Dir-Kamal's forces had traversed onto the Rift, besieging Fort Greenwall along the way, after witnessing the Nords at Riften, Dir-Kamal bypassed the city, entering the Stonefalls Ashlands, assuming the Nords would not follow. Alfarinn's carriage services can be purchased here. Around the same time, the Second Akaviri Invasion had commenced under the supervision of Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal. Fast travel to Windhelm Stables and speak to Tullius. With the help of two other citizens, Viola Giordano and Calixto Corrium, the Windhelm Court Wizard, Wuunferth the Unliving was arrested, accused of the killings. [15], During the Skyrim Civil War, many Windhelm locals believe that they have been too lenient with the non-Nord population. What do I do? General information Jarl I have searched Google for the past two hours to no avail. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews ... Popular belief against them in Windhelm generally paints the Dunmer as allies of the Aldmeri Dominion and the Thalmor who are in control of that government. [29] Because of this, the Snow Quarter was delicately called the Gray Quarter, for the gray skin elves that inhabit the district. Merethic Era–Fourth Era 14 talking about this. Builder However, the religious group were pacifists and did not help the Nordic Army in their battle, although, Jorunn did not leave empty-handed. [18] Windhelm is governed by Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak, the leader of the Stormcloaks. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Windhelm. The Crown was replaced by the Crown of Verity, a mystical crown that chooses the heir to the throne of the High King. This prompted another search between the traveler and Viola Giordano, in the end, it was revealed that Calixto Corrium was the murderer. Introduction Alright, new map, new trailer, new theme, new texture pack, new everything. - New bathroom between master bedroom and Housecarl/Follower room. Ok, the last Quest of the Civil War - Imperials. This section contains bugs related to Windhelm (Skyrim). Windhelm is one of the larger cities of Skyrim and is located in a rather strategic location. Oddly enough, the Stormfist Clan had begun to appear throughout Windhelm, raising suspicion for Thane Mera and the Windhelm Guard. [14] However, despite all of this, Belyn still has to live in the Grey Quarter. Various shops are held in this area among other businesses. I always seem to end up in windhelm in the dark, And i have nowhere to sleep so the damn shops will open, where ever they are. A warrior escaped his clutches and traveled all corners of Tamriel to retrieve the missing pieces. Windhelm is a major city in Skyrim and the center of the Stormcloak rebellion against the Imperial Army. Whoever killed Susanna, left a blood trail to Hjerim, an estate in Valunstrad. I have also tried no-clipping into Windhelm but to no avail. Eastmarch If anyone has the ID's for any interior shops, etc I maybe able to enter. But controversy would arise when Jarl Svartr of Solitude claimed that Freydis was an illegitimate heir to the throne, even though the Crown of Verity had chosen Freydis. The Windhelm Guard is a follower mod in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The banner of Windhelm is depicted by a bear. It was built as a Palace for Ysgramor himself. Afterwards, head inside Windhelm. Před dávnými časy se jednalo o hlavní město. Many different families are crammed into this large hall. Fildgor would live out in the territories of the Daggerfall Covenant, cursing his brother's name. [27][33], During the Skyrim Civil War in 4E 201, the city-state of Windhelm has experienced several murders that prompted a search by the Windhelm Guard. And so, a moot was held in Skyrim, which ultimately led to his son, Torygg to assume the throne as the High King. [19] Hoag was a member of the Stormcloak Clan, one of the most prominent Nordic Clans throughout Eastmarch and the Old Holds. Her descendants would rule across the Kingdom for generations. Windhelm [14], At the Footrace of the Nine Holds, many competitors were severely injured, some of them were killed like Hadring the Swift, who passed away from a leg-related injury. The central district of Windhelm is known as the Stone Quarter, which consists of southwestern Windhelm and the main street. House in Windhelm Asked about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on Nov. 18, 2011, 4:55 p.m. by Anaksys So I've completed the blood in the ice quest, as well as 3-4 quests given to me by the steward but have yet to be given the option to buy a home in Windhelm. During the reign of Versidue Shaie, High King Logrolf of Skyrim was assassinated, leaving the throne of the High King to his daughter, Freydis of Windhelm. in order to have this house available to you you need to become the thane of windhelm and by doing that you need to do a few quests for ulfric I still have not completed the main quest "blood on ice", simply because of a glitch, but yes you do have to do a few quests and you also have to help some of his people out I hope this helps you out. There is a wood chopping block outside the stables. [5][6], The Elven captives would soon go to work for the construction of Windhelm. I tried using the "CoC" command (coc Windhelm) but it does not work. [7] A decree by Ulfric Stormcloak forbidding the Argonians from living within the city's walls also exists. [11] If the Imperial Legion takes over Windhelm, Brunwulf Free-Winter becomes Jarl, as a supporter of both the Dunmer and Argonians, he believes that the Argonians should remain outside of the city for their own safety, "because most of the folk in the city believe as Ulfric did, that outsiders should not be trusted."[6]. They believe the Nord people of Windhelm have always seen them as outsiders and hated them because of it. With the Civil War commenced, many Nords would accuse the Dark Elves of being supporters of the Third Empire. Thanks for keeping on with the updates Arthmoor! So during a Thieves Guild quest, I stole an item from the house of Clan Shatter-Shield and was caught by a guard right ouside. My system is not the issue, as I have been running Skyrim almost seamlessly until now. On their bodies I founmd an execution notice for me. To connect Windhelm, to the southern river edge, there is a large stone bridge that towers over the Yorgrim River. I want to get a house in either Windhelm or Solitude but I can't decide. It was the most prolonged three-hour fight in history, being dubbed the Brothers' War. This mod adds a Nord NPC to the Palace of the Kings in Windhelm. [13] She manages to attain a moderate amount of wealth and owns a stall in the market. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. The image was made by Senior Concept Artist Adam They can be activated to fire projectiles into Windhelm, though this has no effect on the siege. Likewise, the Dunmer Belyn Hlaalu is allowed to own a successful farm on the outskirts of the city where he employs an elderly Nord woman, and likewise shares the view that his kin need to stop complaining and work harder to make a home for themselves. Ysgramor, stricken with grief, looked south where the river met the sea and saw the site of a great city. Jun 26, 2018 - Windhelm is official concept artwork used by Bethesda Game Studios for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Adds a new follower to the Palace of the Kings. The Greybeards summoned Wulfharth from the depths of Sovngarde, to aid Jorunn the Skald-King in his attack against the Akaviri. I am split on this topic. The Vestige had uncovered caches that helped the Stormfist cheat in the games. Windhelm is situated on the Yorgrim Estuary, which leads to the Sea of Ghosts. He is equiped with Eastmarch Guard armor and uses the custom Nord male voice acting. Despite the claims of Ulfric's racism towards anyone who is not Nord, High Elves seem to manage living in the city much better than the Dark Elves, despite the fact that the High Elves are the head of the Aldmeri Dominion. Deep underneath Windhelm, there is a large tomb designed to house the deceased Five Hundred Companions and Ysgramor should they be called to Sovngarde. It is where the Argonian population lives in, all of them live in the Argonian Assemblage, one of the worst homes in Skyrim. Hero of Skyrim (30 points/Silver) — Capture Solitude or Windhelm; Notes . I was planning on joining the Imperial army and being loyal to Solitude but during the mission to join the army, some Thalmor came by and attacked me. Eastmarch er et hold i det østlige Skyrim, med hovedstad i Windhelm.Det hold er hjemsted for Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak, leder af Stormcloaks bevægelsen.Det bliver kun Imperial-løb, hvis spilleren tiltræder Imperial Legion og fuldender hele quest linje, herunder både for Slaget om Fort Amol og Slaget om Windhelm. But, to the elves, the name “Gray Quarter” is one of derision, cruelty, and discrimination. Windhelm is one of the oldest cities in Tamriel, and it is surprising to see it withstand the test of time, looking the same as it did several million years ago. Affiliation Ysgramor declared that this city would be a monument to the glories of mankind and that his new palace would look over Yngol Barrow. [23] While Ulfric was in prison, Hoag Stormcloak of Windhelm had perished, leaving Ulfric to inherit the throne of Windhelm. The New Gnisis Cornerclub is one of the most well-known inns in the area. It was however lost to time when Borgas of Winterhold was slain by the Wood Elves during the Wild Hunt. Windhelm I know you." Tharn planned for months to capture the throne, and he was able to achieve so in the span of ten years. 1. Windhelm je jedním z největších a nejstarších měst Skyrimu. "Windhelm, also known as the City of Kings, is a city located in northeastern Skyrim. A hand made 30 inch by 30 inch wooden shield. [28] Many of the immigrants took refuge in the Snow Quarter of Windhelm, a place that is now considered the slums of Windhelm. Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak rules from the ancient city of Windhelm, and he and his followers should be considered your most serious threat. Fildgor stepped in and claimed the throne, expecting Jorunn to comply. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. [3][10], During the Interregnum in 2E 572, the Kingdom of Eastern Skyrim was ruled by Mabjaarn Flame-Hair, who resided in the city-state of Windhelm and had three children. The Palace of the Kings is the seat of power in the city of Windhelm and is one of the most massive structures in the region. Ulfric Stormcloak Je také hlavním městem državy Východní marky. Město je také centrem povstání Bouřných hávů, kteří bojují za… Dir-Kamal's forces would be cornered at Vivec's Antlers by the Nords to the west, the Dark Elves to the east, and the Argonians to the south. The Battle of Stonefalls would end with the utter devastation of the Akaviri Invaders and the formation of the Ebonheart Pact. These contradictions caused a schism between the Nords of West Skyrim and the Nords of the Old Holds which resulted in the province separating into the independent Kingdoms of Western Skyrim and Eastern Skyrim. After completing "Rescue from Fort Neugrad" for the Stormcloaks, or the full Civil War questline for the Empire, the house in Windhelm, Hjerim, can be purchased from the Jarl's steward for 12,000 . Giant's Run, Eastmarch, Skyrim [24][25][26], During his reign as the Jarl of Windhelm, Ulfric Stormcloak gave more compassion to his fellow Nords in Windhelm, rather than the Dark Elves or the Argonians in Windhelm. Many prisoners had died during the process, either through excessive work or by the hands of the Ylgermet crew. Windhelm Industrialized is a mod that aims to make the city of Windhelm look and feel like a primitive industrial city. [11][12], Fildgor Strong-Prince did not take Jorunn's defiance lightly, so he rallied the Stormfist Clan to prepare for an attack. Calixto Corrium was killed by the warrior.[34]. Community content is available under. The Stone Quarter is Windhelm’s central district; the one visitors first enter when passing through the Main Gate into the city. My character is level 40 with about 106 hours in. Although his spirit has passed, the heart of his dynasty yearns for the still-green fields of Atmora, before it had frozen over. Hovedporten kan kun nås ved at krydse en lang stenbro over [White River]. Location Valunstrad or the Avenue of Valor in Windhelm. Having reported to Legate Rikke with your success of the assault on Fort Amol, she will direct you to report to General Tullius.. Report to General Tullius []. Liberation of Skyrim: Drive the I… Windhelm is probably one of the coldest cities you'll ever see, and is the hold capital of Eastmarch. When the warrior arrived in town, the last person to be murdered was Susanna the Wicked, a barmaid from the Candlehearth Hall, her body was found outside of the Hall of the Dead in Windhelm. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Windhelm should be ours *spoilers*". [15][16][17], During the Imperial Simulacrum from 3E 389 to 3E 399, Emperor Uriel Septim VII was imprisoned along with Talin Warhaft in the Deadlands by Jagar Tharn. Destroyed It is also the oldest city in Skyrim, possibly the oldest city of man on Tamriel that is still standing, dating back to the Merethic Era. As the title says, it doesn't matter if i walk near it or fast travel to the stables it just crashes to desktop. [27] In the aftermath of both the Red Year, and the Accession War, the Dunmeri-folk traveled to the west, residing throughout the Old Holds and other border regions. Within a few years, the Nordic Empire had conquered land beyond the traditional borders of Skyrim, to modern-day Daggerfall, to the Nibenay, and to the Western Front of Morrowind. As you through the streets, you see all sorts of Dunmeri memorabilia. Windhelm, Skyrim. Eastern KingdomStormcloak RebellionYsgramor DynastyFive Hundred CompanionsFirst Empire of the NordsSeptim EmpireEast Empire CompanyStormcloak ClanShatter-Shield ClanCruel-Sea ClanEbonheart Pact. Windhelm is built … In the aftermath of their meeting, Ulfric had slain Torygg in a Traditional Nordic Duel and fled back to Windhelm. Tharn had a powerful weapon called the Staff of Chaos, and he split it into nine pieces and scattered them across Tamriel, the staff was the only thing keeping Uriel Septim and Warhaft in Oblivion. [3][7][8], Sometime during the Second Era, the city-state of Windhelm was ruled by Jarl Elgryr the Unminded, whose rule was despised throughout the land. This stance came about due to the aftermath of the Great War and the introduction of the White-Gold Concordat by the Aldmeri Dominion, though it was not until the Markarth Incident that Ulfric's rebellion truly started. The Gray Quarter, formally known as the Snow Quarter, has currently been used by the displaced Dark Elves from the province of Morrowind. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Windhelm is built on the steep hills north of the Yorgrim River in Eastmarch, in a pocket area of the Winterhold Mountains, which shows just how amazing the Atmorans were in their architecture. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Leimaer was defeated, but the struggle against the Stormfist would soon grow. [4][11][13], During the Interregnum in 2E 582, the city-state of Windhelm celebrated the Konunleikar, an annual event celebrating the inauguration of Jorunn the Skald-King, ever since the Brothers' War. [4][12], Jorunn traveled to High Hrothgar with the intent to seek aid from the Greybeards. (radiant) 5. Windhelm became a prime target for the Dark Elven Migration. Community content is available under. Or to be a bit more concrete: the plan is to rebuild Windhelm from Skyrim (a city somewhere in the north east) as good as I can and record everything so you can see the progress. Atmoran Expansion into Skyrim; Founding of Windhelm, The Construction of Windhelm, the City of Kings, The First Empire of the Nords & the Nordic Conquest, Rise and Fall of Jarl Elgryr the Unminded, The Kingdom of Eastern Skyrim & Queen Freydis, The Second Akaviri Invasion; Fall of Queen Mabjaarn, The Brothers' War; Enter Jorunn the Skald-King, The Battle of Stonefalls & the Ebonheart Pact, Enter the Stormfist Brigade; Fildgor's vendetta, Ulfric's chronicles in Skyrim & Jarl Hoag Stormcloak, The Death of Torygg & the Skyrim Civil War, Racial Strife in Windhelm; Dunmeri Discrimination, Blood on the Ice; Murder Strings in Windhelm. Je také hlavním městem državy Východní marky.
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