["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> string(3) "100" ["houleMax"]=> string(10) "206.754524" ["dateUTC"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["iso"]=> string(19) "2020-12-24 03:00:00" ["temperatureEau"]=> ["directionVent"]=> string(0) "" string(2) "14" ["periodeHouleVent"]=> ["2020-12-29 07:00:00"]=> string(19) "2020-12-22 17:00:00" ["precipitations"]=> string(1) "5" ["temp2m"]=> string(1) "2" string(0) "" ["houleSecondaire"]=> string(0) "" string(2) "13" ["dateUTC"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["nebulosite"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["dateUTC"]=> ["2020-12-21 04:00:00"]=> ["houleVent"]=> ["pression"]=> ["houle"]=> ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(3) "2.2" string(0) "" string(1) "-" string(1) "-" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> string(1) "0" ["dateUTC"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> string(19) "2020-12-22 23:00:00" string(1) "2" ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(1) "-" ["houleMax"]=> ["iso"]=> ["tempMax"]=> ["houle"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["humidite"]=> string(0) "" ["tempMax"]=> string(0) "" string(2) "12" ["houleMax"]=> ["tempMin"]=> ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["ventRafales"]=> ["2020-12-30 10:00:00"]=> ["houleMax"]=> string(6) "302001" ["houlePrimaire"]=> string(1) "0" ["temp2m"]=> string(10) "25.8687445" With proprietary LOLA report on swell, wind and waves and 16-day surf forecasts, so you can know before you go. string(1) "5" string(1) "0" string(2) "13" string(0) "" string(0) "" ["houleSecondaire"]=> string(10) "21.0784505" ["precipitations"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> string(4) "1033" string(3) "1.4" ["directionVent"]=> string(1) "0" string(0) "" ["houlePrimaire"]=> string(1) "9" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["directionVent"]=> string(2) "13" string(2) "21" ["temp2m"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(6) "292.11" ["pression"]=> string(0) "" ["2020-12-24 04:00:00"]=> ["tempsSensible"]=> Including local swell, period, wind and pressure charts. string(1) "-" ["tempEau"]=> ["ventRafales"]=> ["directionVent"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["directionVent"]=> string(1) "7" string(6) "301032" ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["nebulosite"]=> ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> string(6) "302008" string(1) "-" string(3) "2.7" ["temperatureEau"]=> string(1) "0" ["temp2m"]=> ["temp2m"]=> ["tempMax"]=> string(19) "2021-01-04 00:00:00" ["tempEau"]=> ["houleVent"]=> ["dateUTC"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["houle"]=> ["tempMax"]=> string(0) "" ["tempMax"]=> ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(2) "33" string(2) "48" ["directionVent"]=> string(2) "13" ["dateUTC"]=> string(1) "0" ["directionVent"]=> ["iso"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["houleMax"]=> Run Age 10hrs. string(2) "14" string(1) "0" string(1) "0" string(2) "14" string(1) "-" string(2) "93" string(1) "-" ["2020-12-21 12:00:00"]=> string(10) "258.836570" string(6) "274.51" ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["dateUTC"]=> string(3) "4.0" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["UV"]=> string(1) "0" string(3) "0.2" string(0) "" ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> string(1) "1" string(0) "" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> string(10) "230.935993" ["pression"]=> string(1) "0" ["humidite"]=> string(1) "0" string(2) "99" string(19) "2020-12-31 06:00:00" string(1) "2" ["precipitations"]=> ["tempsSensible"]=> string(0) "" string(2) "95" string(3) "2.7" ["temp2m"]=> string(1) "-" ["tempMin"]=> string(0) "" ["tempMax"]=> ["houleMax"]=> string(1) "0" ["temp2m"]=> string(2) "13" ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> string(1) "0" string(2) "13" string(1) "0" string(2) "13" ["tempsSensible"]=> string(1) "0" string(1) "0" ["directionHouleVent"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(3) "2.7" Port-Blanc is the first bay, gets some N wind shelter from a cliff and will probably be the busiest spot. string(3) "5.0" string(0) "" string(2) "54" string(0) "" ["houleMax"]=> ["dateUTC"]=> ["temp2m"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> string(1) "0" string(2) "55" string(1) "0" string(19) "2020-12-25 11:00:00" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["houlePrimaire"]=> string(19) "2020-12-30 09:00:00" ["ventRafales"]=> La Cote Sauvage Surf Guide. ["periodeHouleVent"]=> ["dateUTC"]=> string(2) "12" string(3) "1.1" string(10) "209.259075" ["ventRafales"]=> ["UV"]=> string(6) "267.53" string(1) "0" string(6) "301028" string(1) "-" ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(2) "24" string(0) "" string(3) "2.1" string(3) "2.4" ["tempMin"]=> ["humidite"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(2) "13" ["houle"]=> string(6) "302028" ["houleMax"]=> string(1) "0" ["temperatureEau"]=> string(19) "2020-12-23 12:00:00" string(4) "1000" ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["iso"]=> string(3) "3.1" ["temp2m"]=> string(1) "3" ["dateUTC"]=> string(2) "13" string(6) "302028" string(1) "5" ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(10) "211.311304" object(stdClass)#40 (27) { string(1) "6" string(6) "301028" string(2) "13" string(3) "100" ["UV"]=> ["tempEau"]=> ["temperatureEau"]=> string(2) "12" string(2) "13" } ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["tempsSensible"]=> ["ventRafales"]=> string(2) "86" string(0) "" string(2) "25" ["dateUTC"]=> string(10) "231.399092" ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["tempsSensible"]=> ["houle"]=> ["dateUTC"]=> ["tempsSensible"]=> ["pression"]=> ["ventRafales"]=> ["tempEau"]=> object(stdClass)#12 (27) { int(0) string(2) "13" ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(4) "1023" object(stdClass)#48 (27) { string(2) "85" ["nebulosite"]=> string(1) "6" ["periodeHouleVent"]=> ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> string(0) "" string(1) "5" string(4) "1000" string(0) "" string(1) "-" string(0) "" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> string(3) "4.6" ["tempMax"]=> string(4) "1024" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["tempMin"]=> int(0) The primary swell is predicted to be 3.0 m and 14s period. string(0) "" string(2) "27" ["dateUTC"]=> string(2) "98" string(2) "11" string(1) "-" ["tempMin"]=> Including local swell, period, wind and pressure charts. ["houle"]=> Get access to long-range forecasts, hourly graphs and ad-free webcams. string(1) "9" string(19) "2020-12-25 01:00:00" ["directionHouleVent"]=> ["directionHouleVent"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["houle"]=> ["humidite"]=> ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["pression"]=> ["temp2m"]=> ["houleMax"]=> string(19) "2020-12-22 15:00:00" string(2) "13" ["2020-12-23 23:00:00"]=> int(0) ["tempsSensible"]=> string(1) "2" string(4) "1028" ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> string(2) "14" string(0) "" La Cote Sauvage - Le 43 in Charente Maritime is a beach break that has pretty consitent surf and can work at any time of the year. ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["houleVent"]=> string(3) "4.8" ["pression"]=> ["humidite"]=> string(3) "0.7" ["nebulosite"]=> ["temp2m"]=> string(2) "13" string(1) "0" ["periodeHouleVent"]=> string(6) "302029" string(1) "0" string(0) "" string(1) "0" string(2) "13" string(6) "263.81" ["iso"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> string(0) "" ["dateUTC"]=> ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> string(3) "2.2" string(4) "1016" ["ventMoyen"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(1) "2" string(1) "-" } string(10) "226.128249" string(10) "186.626091" string(3) "100" ["directionVent"]=> string(0) "" ["pression"]=> string(1) "-" ["houleVent"]=> ["ventRafales"]=> string(1) "-" string(3) "5.0" ["temperatureEau"]=> ["temp2m"]=> string(1) "0" string(2) "13" ["temperatureEau"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["temp2m"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> string(3) "0.5" string(10) "174.732338" ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["tempMin"]=> string(1) "-" ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> string(6) "268.61" string(1) "0" ["nebulosite"]=> string(1) "9" ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> ["temp2m"]=> ["iso"]=> } string(3) "2.9" ["directionVent"]=> string(6) "207.79" ["houle"]=> string(10) "22.7374598" string(2) "44" ["ventRafales"]=> ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["UV"]=> ["tempMax"]=> string(1) "0" ["tempMin"]=> string(3) "1.9" ["houle"]=> string(0) "" ["directionVent"]=> ["houleMax"]=> string(3) "0.3" ["houle"]=> ["pression"]=> string(0) "" string(0) "" string(2) "13" string(1) "4" ["pression"]=> string(6) "258.09" ["ventMoyen"]=> ["2020-12-24 19:00:00"]=> ["temperatureEau"]=> string(1) "-" object(stdClass)#38 (27) { ["tempsSensible"]=> ["humidite"]=> ["houle"]=> ["periodeHouleVent"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["2020-12-21 06:00:00"]=> int(0) ["houleMax"]=> string(3) "2.4" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> string(3) "1.7" ["precipitations"]=> string(4) "1018" string(3) "4.7" ["2020-12-28 19:00:00"]=> string(2) "14" ["periodeHouleVent"]=> string(1) "0" ["pression"]=> string(1) "0" string(2) "13" string(10) "204.233765" string(6) "264.36" string(2) "15" ["tempEau"]=> string(0) "" string(1) "9" ["directionHouleVent"]=> ["houlePrimaire"]=> ["precipitations"]=> string(1) "2" ["2020-12-24 06:00:00"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["tempMin"]=> ["UV"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> string(3) "3.0" } ["UV"]=> string(1) "0" ["temp2m"]=> string(3) "0.3" ["tempsSensible"]=> ["houleMax"]=> ["iso"]=> ["tempEau"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["houleVent"]=> string(1) "0" ["forecast"]=> ["tempMin"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["houleVent"]=> Get today's most accurate Cote Sauvage surf report. object(stdClass)#133 (27) { ["houlePrimaire"]=> } ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(10) "258.604777" object(stdClass)#100 (27) { ["UV"]=> ["precipitations"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["precipitations"]=> string(10) "238.493598" string(1) "0" ["houlePrimaire"]=> ["UV"]=> ["precipitations"]=> ["UV"]=> ["iso"]=> string(0) "" ["UV"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["houleVent"]=> string(2) "11" ["ventRafales"]=> ["houleMax"]=> string(1) "-" string(1) "0" string(3) "4.1" ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["directionVent"]=> ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> string(0) "" ["houleVent"]=> string(3) "3.8" ["tempsSensible"]=> string(1) "2" ["precipitations"]=> ["humidite"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(3) "1.0" string(4) "1028" ["ventMoyen"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> string(0) "" ["directionVent"]=> string(2) "13" ["ventRafales"]=> string(6) "250.91" ["dateUTC"]=> ["iso"]=> string(2) "13" string(0) "" string(1) "0" string(2) "12" ["iso"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> string(0) "" ["iso"]=> string(2) "67" string(2) "13" string(6) "301027" ["periodeHouleVent"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(2) "13" ["2020-12-21 03:00:00"]=> ["humidite"]=> string(10) "255.511362" ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> ["iso"]=> ["periodeHouleVent"]=> string(3) "1.9" ["directionVent"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(1) "-" ["nebulosite"]=> string(6) "288.97" ["houleVent"]=> ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> ["directionVent"]=> int(0) Jouez avec le \"slider\" ci-dessus de gauche à droite pour animer les cartes de prévisions de vent (gauche) et de houle (droite) pour la zone Atlantique Ouest Europe où se situe la plage Côte Sauvage - Phare Coubre (17). ["humidite"]=> ["pression"]=> ["houleSecondaire"]=> string(1) "0" string(1) "0" string(1) "0" Un widget Surf-Forecast.com pour votre site web. ["temp2m"]=> ["UV"]=> ["houleSecondaire"]=> string(1) "0" string(10) "258.672873" string(0) "" string(6) "301028" Depuis 1991, Surf Report est la référence des sites de météo surf avec plus de 30 photos du jour en France et des prévisions de houle et de vent à 7 jours. } string(2) "46" string(0) "" ["precipitations"]=> Get today's most accurate Cote Sauvage surf report. ["tempEau"]=> ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(1) "-" ["humidite"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(10) "261.769995" string(2) "10" ["ventMoyen"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["2021-01-04 13:00:00"]=> string(2) "10" } ["nebulosite"]=> ["tempEau"]=> ["directionHouleVent"]=> L’école de surf Coco Surf vous accueille, de avril à novembre, sur la plus belle et la plus. ["tempEau"]=> ["tempMax"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(0) "" string(1) "0" string(1) "0" ["houleMax"]=> string(19) "2020-12-23 16:00:00" string(4) "1021" string(4) "1022" ["houleSecondaire"]=> string(2) "85" string(2) "40" ["tempMax"]=> string(4) "1033" string(1) "0" ["humidite"]=> string(0) "" string(0) "" ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> string(10) "241.842599" ["ventRafales"]=> ["UV"]=> ["houlePrimaire"]=> string(0) "" string(4) "1016" ["tempsSensible"]=> ["houlePrimaire"]=> string(0) "" ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(1) "-" ["tempMin"]=> string(2) "13" ["2020-12-27 16:00:00"]=> string(0) "" string(2) "10" ["2020-12-21 23:00:00"]=> ["iso"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> string(3) "1.2" string(2) "13" ["periodeHouleVent"]=> string(2) "14" string(2) "13" Ikea Bordeaux Cuisine, Plutarque Pdf Gratuit, Sac à Dos Homme, Club Vtt Bruxelles, Désert Des Bardenas, Le Temps Des Fleurs Reprise, "/>

surf report côte sauvage

string(3) "0.8" string(1) "0" string(1) "0" ["UV"]=> ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> string(3) "100" ["houleMax"]=> string(10) "206.754524" ["dateUTC"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["iso"]=> string(19) "2020-12-24 03:00:00" ["temperatureEau"]=> ["directionVent"]=> string(0) "" string(2) "14" ["periodeHouleVent"]=> ["2020-12-29 07:00:00"]=> string(19) "2020-12-22 17:00:00" ["precipitations"]=> string(1) "5" ["temp2m"]=> string(1) "2" string(0) "" ["houleSecondaire"]=> string(0) "" string(2) "13" ["dateUTC"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["nebulosite"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["dateUTC"]=> ["2020-12-21 04:00:00"]=> ["houleVent"]=> ["pression"]=> ["houle"]=> ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(3) "2.2" string(0) "" string(1) "-" string(1) "-" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> string(1) "0" ["dateUTC"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> string(19) "2020-12-22 23:00:00" string(1) "2" ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(1) "-" ["houleMax"]=> ["iso"]=> ["tempMax"]=> ["houle"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["humidite"]=> string(0) "" ["tempMax"]=> string(0) "" string(2) "12" ["houleMax"]=> ["tempMin"]=> ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["ventRafales"]=> ["2020-12-30 10:00:00"]=> ["houleMax"]=> string(6) "302001" ["houlePrimaire"]=> string(1) "0" ["temp2m"]=> string(10) "25.8687445" With proprietary LOLA report on swell, wind and waves and 16-day surf forecasts, so you can know before you go. string(1) "5" string(1) "0" string(2) "13" string(0) "" string(0) "" ["houleSecondaire"]=> string(10) "21.0784505" ["precipitations"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> string(4) "1033" string(3) "1.4" ["directionVent"]=> string(1) "0" string(0) "" ["houlePrimaire"]=> string(1) "9" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["directionVent"]=> string(2) "13" string(2) "21" ["temp2m"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(6) "292.11" ["pression"]=> string(0) "" ["2020-12-24 04:00:00"]=> ["tempsSensible"]=> Including local swell, period, wind and pressure charts. string(1) "-" ["tempEau"]=> ["ventRafales"]=> ["directionVent"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["directionVent"]=> string(1) "7" string(6) "301032" ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["nebulosite"]=> ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> string(6) "302008" string(1) "-" string(3) "2.7" ["temperatureEau"]=> string(1) "0" ["temp2m"]=> ["temp2m"]=> ["tempMax"]=> string(19) "2021-01-04 00:00:00" ["tempEau"]=> ["houleVent"]=> ["dateUTC"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["houle"]=> ["tempMax"]=> string(0) "" ["tempMax"]=> ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(2) "33" string(2) "48" ["directionVent"]=> string(2) "13" ["dateUTC"]=> string(1) "0" ["directionVent"]=> ["iso"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["houleMax"]=> Run Age 10hrs. string(2) "14" string(1) "0" string(1) "0" string(2) "14" string(1) "-" string(2) "93" string(1) "-" ["2020-12-21 12:00:00"]=> string(10) "258.836570" string(6) "274.51" ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["dateUTC"]=> string(3) "4.0" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["UV"]=> string(1) "0" string(3) "0.2" string(0) "" ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> string(1) "1" string(0) "" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> string(10) "230.935993" ["pression"]=> string(1) "0" ["humidite"]=> string(1) "0" string(2) "99" string(19) "2020-12-31 06:00:00" string(1) "2" ["precipitations"]=> ["tempsSensible"]=> string(0) "" string(2) "95" string(3) "2.7" ["temp2m"]=> string(1) "-" ["tempMin"]=> string(0) "" ["tempMax"]=> ["houleMax"]=> string(1) "0" ["temp2m"]=> string(2) "13" ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> string(1) "0" string(2) "13" string(1) "0" string(2) "13" ["tempsSensible"]=> string(1) "0" string(1) "0" ["directionHouleVent"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(3) "2.7" Port-Blanc is the first bay, gets some N wind shelter from a cliff and will probably be the busiest spot. string(3) "5.0" string(0) "" string(2) "54" string(0) "" ["houleMax"]=> ["dateUTC"]=> ["temp2m"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> string(1) "0" string(2) "55" string(1) "0" string(19) "2020-12-25 11:00:00" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["houlePrimaire"]=> string(19) "2020-12-30 09:00:00" ["ventRafales"]=> La Cote Sauvage Surf Guide. ["periodeHouleVent"]=> ["dateUTC"]=> string(2) "12" string(3) "1.1" string(10) "209.259075" ["ventRafales"]=> ["UV"]=> string(6) "267.53" string(1) "0" string(6) "301028" string(1) "-" ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(2) "24" string(0) "" string(3) "2.1" string(3) "2.4" ["tempMin"]=> ["humidite"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(2) "13" ["houle"]=> string(6) "302028" ["houleMax"]=> string(1) "0" ["temperatureEau"]=> string(19) "2020-12-23 12:00:00" string(4) "1000" ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["iso"]=> string(3) "3.1" ["temp2m"]=> string(1) "3" ["dateUTC"]=> string(2) "13" string(6) "302028" string(1) "5" ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(10) "211.311304" object(stdClass)#40 (27) { string(1) "6" string(6) "301028" string(2) "13" string(3) "100" ["UV"]=> ["tempEau"]=> ["temperatureEau"]=> string(2) "12" string(2) "13" } ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["tempsSensible"]=> ["ventRafales"]=> string(2) "86" string(0) "" string(2) "25" ["dateUTC"]=> string(10) "231.399092" ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["tempsSensible"]=> ["houle"]=> ["dateUTC"]=> ["tempsSensible"]=> ["pression"]=> ["ventRafales"]=> ["tempEau"]=> object(stdClass)#12 (27) { int(0) string(2) "13" ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(4) "1023" object(stdClass)#48 (27) { string(2) "85" ["nebulosite"]=> string(1) "6" ["periodeHouleVent"]=> ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> string(0) "" string(1) "5" string(4) "1000" string(0) "" string(1) "-" string(0) "" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> string(3) "4.6" ["tempMax"]=> string(4) "1024" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["tempMin"]=> int(0) The primary swell is predicted to be 3.0 m and 14s period. string(0) "" string(2) "27" ["dateUTC"]=> string(2) "98" string(2) "11" string(1) "-" ["tempMin"]=> Including local swell, period, wind and pressure charts. ["houle"]=> Get access to long-range forecasts, hourly graphs and ad-free webcams. string(1) "9" string(19) "2020-12-25 01:00:00" ["directionHouleVent"]=> ["directionHouleVent"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["houle"]=> ["humidite"]=> ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["pression"]=> ["temp2m"]=> ["houleMax"]=> string(19) "2020-12-22 15:00:00" string(2) "13" ["2020-12-23 23:00:00"]=> int(0) ["tempsSensible"]=> string(1) "2" string(4) "1028" ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> string(2) "14" string(0) "" La Cote Sauvage - Le 43 in Charente Maritime is a beach break that has pretty consitent surf and can work at any time of the year. ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["houleVent"]=> string(3) "4.8" ["pression"]=> ["humidite"]=> string(3) "0.7" ["nebulosite"]=> ["temp2m"]=> string(2) "13" string(1) "0" ["periodeHouleVent"]=> string(6) "302029" string(1) "0" string(0) "" string(1) "0" string(2) "13" string(6) "263.81" ["iso"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> string(0) "" ["dateUTC"]=> ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> string(3) "2.2" string(4) "1016" ["ventMoyen"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(1) "2" string(1) "-" } string(10) "226.128249" string(10) "186.626091" string(3) "100" ["directionVent"]=> string(0) "" ["pression"]=> string(1) "-" ["houleVent"]=> ["ventRafales"]=> string(1) "-" string(3) "5.0" ["temperatureEau"]=> ["temp2m"]=> string(1) "0" string(2) "13" ["temperatureEau"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["temp2m"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> string(3) "0.5" string(10) "174.732338" ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["tempMin"]=> string(1) "-" ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> string(6) "268.61" string(1) "0" ["nebulosite"]=> string(1) "9" ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> ["temp2m"]=> ["iso"]=> } string(3) "2.9" ["directionVent"]=> string(6) "207.79" ["houle"]=> string(10) "22.7374598" string(2) "44" ["ventRafales"]=> ["houleSecondaire"]=> ["UV"]=> ["tempMax"]=> string(1) "0" ["tempMin"]=> string(3) "1.9" ["houle"]=> string(0) "" ["directionVent"]=> ["houleMax"]=> string(3) "0.3" ["houle"]=> ["pression"]=> string(0) "" string(0) "" string(2) "13" string(1) "4" ["pression"]=> string(6) "258.09" ["ventMoyen"]=> ["2020-12-24 19:00:00"]=> ["temperatureEau"]=> string(1) "-" object(stdClass)#38 (27) { ["tempsSensible"]=> ["humidite"]=> ["houle"]=> ["periodeHouleVent"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["2020-12-21 06:00:00"]=> int(0) ["houleMax"]=> string(3) "2.4" ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> string(3) "1.7" ["precipitations"]=> string(4) "1018" string(3) "4.7" ["2020-12-28 19:00:00"]=> string(2) "14" ["periodeHouleVent"]=> string(1) "0" ["pression"]=> string(1) "0" string(2) "13" string(10) "204.233765" string(6) "264.36" string(2) "15" ["tempEau"]=> string(0) "" string(1) "9" ["directionHouleVent"]=> ["houlePrimaire"]=> ["precipitations"]=> string(1) "2" ["2020-12-24 06:00:00"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["tempMin"]=> ["UV"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> string(3) "3.0" } ["UV"]=> string(1) "0" ["temp2m"]=> string(3) "0.3" ["tempsSensible"]=> ["houleMax"]=> ["iso"]=> ["tempEau"]=> ["periodeHouleSecondaire"]=> ["houleVent"]=> string(1) "0" ["forecast"]=> ["tempMin"]=> ["ventMoyen"]=> ["houleVent"]=> Get today's most accurate Cote Sauvage surf report. object(stdClass)#133 (27) { ["houlePrimaire"]=> } ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(10) "258.604777" object(stdClass)#100 (27) { ["UV"]=> ["precipitations"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["precipitations"]=> string(10) "238.493598" string(1) "0" ["houlePrimaire"]=> ["UV"]=> ["precipitations"]=> ["UV"]=> ["iso"]=> string(0) "" ["UV"]=> ["directionHoulePrimaire"]=> ["houleVent"]=> string(2) "11" ["ventRafales"]=> ["houleMax"]=> string(1) "-" string(1) "0" string(3) "4.1" ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["directionVent"]=> ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> string(0) "" ["houleVent"]=> string(3) "3.8" ["tempsSensible"]=> string(1) "2" ["precipitations"]=> ["humidite"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(3) "1.0" string(4) "1028" ["ventMoyen"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> string(0) "" ["directionVent"]=> string(2) "13" ["ventRafales"]=> string(6) "250.91" ["dateUTC"]=> ["iso"]=> string(2) "13" string(0) "" string(1) "0" string(2) "12" ["iso"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> string(0) "" ["iso"]=> string(2) "67" string(2) "13" string(6) "301027" ["periodeHouleVent"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(2) "13" ["2020-12-21 03:00:00"]=> ["humidite"]=> string(10) "255.511362" ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> ["iso"]=> ["periodeHouleVent"]=> string(3) "1.9" ["directionVent"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(1) "-" ["nebulosite"]=> string(6) "288.97" ["houleVent"]=> ["periodeHoulePrimaire"]=> ["directionVent"]=> int(0) Jouez avec le \"slider\" ci-dessus de gauche à droite pour animer les cartes de prévisions de vent (gauche) et de houle (droite) pour la zone Atlantique Ouest Europe où se situe la plage Côte Sauvage - Phare Coubre (17). ["humidite"]=> ["pression"]=> ["houleSecondaire"]=> string(1) "0" string(1) "0" string(1) "0" Un widget Surf-Forecast.com pour votre site web. ["temp2m"]=> ["UV"]=> ["houleSecondaire"]=> string(1) "0" string(10) "258.672873" string(0) "" string(6) "301028" Depuis 1991, Surf Report est la référence des sites de météo surf avec plus de 30 photos du jour en France et des prévisions de houle et de vent à 7 jours. } string(2) "46" string(0) "" ["precipitations"]=> Get today's most accurate Cote Sauvage surf report. ["tempEau"]=> ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(1) "-" ["humidite"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(10) "261.769995" string(2) "10" ["ventMoyen"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> ["2021-01-04 13:00:00"]=> string(2) "10" } ["nebulosite"]=> ["tempEau"]=> ["directionHouleVent"]=> L’école de surf Coco Surf vous accueille, de avril à novembre, sur la plus belle et la plus. ["tempEau"]=> ["tempMax"]=> ["tempEau"]=> string(0) "" string(1) "0" string(1) "0" ["houleMax"]=> string(19) "2020-12-23 16:00:00" string(4) "1021" string(4) "1022" ["houleSecondaire"]=> string(2) "85" string(2) "40" ["tempMax"]=> string(4) "1033" string(1) "0" ["humidite"]=> string(0) "" string(0) "" ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> string(10) "241.842599" ["ventRafales"]=> ["UV"]=> ["houlePrimaire"]=> string(0) "" string(4) "1016" ["tempsSensible"]=> ["houlePrimaire"]=> string(0) "" ["directionHouleVent"]=> string(1) "-" ["tempMin"]=> string(2) "13" ["2020-12-27 16:00:00"]=> string(0) "" string(2) "10" ["2020-12-21 23:00:00"]=> ["iso"]=> ["directionHouleSecondaire"]=> string(3) "1.2" string(2) "13" ["periodeHouleVent"]=> string(2) "14" string(2) "13"

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